18 July 2024

Rainbow Flags

 I was invited by the Royal Academy to revisit ten year old works and re-imagine them for a flag commission running down the length of Piccadilly in central London. 

This commission celebrates the re-opening of the RA Schools after its refurbishment, and running down the Pride Mardh route, the work also makes space to investigate the political symbols of some of the other communities I'm part of.


Chapter Gallery

 My solo exhibition 'In the simmering air and the flows of the undercurrent' took place at Chapter Gallery in Cardiff. This included a billboard work for the window spanning the building which will be in place over the summer.

29 June 2023

Frieze Artist Award

 I'm excited to say that I've got the Frieze Artist Award 2023! I'll be presenting a new commission at the fair in London in October.


19 June 2023

Kettle's Yard

 I've been selected for a year long residency at Kettle's Yard in Cambridge as part of the national 20/20 project!!


17 April 2023

Synthetic Becoming

 The script and some stills from my work 'Skin Flick' is included in the book 'Synthetic Becoming, edited by Lenka Vesela, published by K. Verlag, Berlin.

Order here:

22 February 2023

Flash Art Czech & Slovak

 My work 'Skin Flick' has been included in a write up by Lenka Vesela in the new Flash Art magazine, Chech & Slovak edition.

Watch out for the new book edited by Lenka, also featuring aspects of the work.

Hyerallergic Review

 The group show my work is included in, 'I don't know you like that: The Bodywork of Hospitality', has been reviewed in Hyperallergic.

Follow the link to read the review titled, What is Hospitality in an Era of Crises?
